Prenuptial Agreement Attorney in Queens, New York
Protect your Assets or Inheritance....Just in Case!
The Law Firm of Zelenitz, Shapiro & D’Agostino, P.C. can advise and guide you in properly preparing a prenuptial agreement to ensure that your assets and family inheritance are protected. We will walk you through the process and gently address all of your concerns with your future spouse and their attorney. This certainly can be a tough issue to deal with, but we have the experience to accomplish your goals in a smooth fashion.
What is a Prenuptial Agreement?
A Prenuptial Agreement is a legally binding contract that dictates how assets are to be divided or distributed in case of divorce.
What are the general requirements in order for a Prenuptial Agreement to be valid and enforceable?
A Prenuptial Agreement must be in writing, must contain full financial disclosure, must be properly signed and acknowledged by the parties voluntarily and both parties must be represented by their own attorney
Why do I need a Prenuptial Agreement?
A few reasons you need a Prenuptial Agreement is to protect the assets you have, or may accrue during your marriage, to protect a family inheritance, to protect your interest in an existing business, to protect yourself in case you plan to give up your career, and to protect your assets for Estate planning purposes.
If you’re wanting to discuss a prenup in more detail, give us a call at (718)-523-1111 for a FREE consultation.